The Council Grove Cemetery inscriptions contained in this volume consist of Greenwood Cemetery, the largest cemetery in Morris County, and Calvary Catholic Cemetery. Both are located in the west part of the city of Council Grove. The burial records at the Council Grove City Clerk's office have also been copied and added to these records. Information contained in parentheses ( ) comes from a source other than the cemetery stones. Often, but not always, it is from the burial records and may be a burial rather than a death date.
A map is included for Greenwood which I have divided into sections (indicated by the S at the end of each entry for this cemetery). These sections are not the same as block and lot numbers assigned by the city, which if given, are within parentheses. Because Calvary is a smaller cemetery, the section in which graves will be found is not included.
Arrangement of this volume is alphabetical by surname only. After the surname, the cemetery name is given and then a listing of all given names with available data for each. I have attempted to cross index whenever a maiden or other surname is known. In some cases, I was unable to find a stone which was in our first reading. In this case the information will be in parentheses. Comments are in brackets [ ]. [metal] indicates that the information was from a metal marker placed by the funeral home, rather than a stone.
These inscriptions have been read and typed previously. I have spent many hours re-checking and updating them and hope that all mistakes have now been found and corrected. My sincere thanks to Lila Anderson and Bonnie McClintock who did much of the original work of compiling these records. -- Sandy Hartman
This information was compiled in 1980. If you would like to update any information, please contact us so we can make any corrections or additions.
Council Grove Cemeteries
This PDF document contains the Council Grove cemeteries: Greenwood and Calvary. When this list was made in 1980, Sunnyslope Cemetery did not exist.
Morris County Cemeteries
This document contains Morris County cemeteries not in Council Grove: Bailey Family (Garfield Township); Beman; Burdick Hebron Lutheran; Burdick Methodist; Burdick Mission; Burdick Swedish; Burton; Clark’s Creek; Comisky; Delavan; Diamond Creek; Diamond Springs; Downing; Dunlap; Dunlap Black; Dwight; Four Mile; Garfield; Hebrank; Highland; Kelso Mound; Latimer; Marion Hill; Mitchell Valley; Ohm-Litke; Parkerville; Raglan; Ramey-Black; Skiddy; St John’s; Swartz; White City; Wilsey.
There is an addendum of a list of graves in the Exoduster cemetery that has not been verified. Jan Kimbrell compiled this list from two sources, Find-A-Grave and Morris County Historical Society. We cannot determine the provenance of the MCHS list. There is relevant information in the list and that is why it has been included.

Seth Hays tombstone, Greenwood Cemetery
CLick here to download a PDF of Morris County Cemeteries
Dunlap South Cemetery
This searchable PDF contains information on Blocks 1 thru 4, last updated 2020.